Car accidents can happen quickly, and your life can change in the blink of an eye. It’s difficult to prepare for the devastating impact a car accident can cause. You could have life-altering injuries after an accident. You could also have to care for loved ones who got injured in a car accident.
A San Bernardino car accident lawyer from Greenberg Gross could help you seek compensation for losses you sustained because of a car accident. We can work hard to help you during this difficult time. Our personal injury attorneys can use our knowledge and experience to help you seek the compensation you deserve.
What the San Bernardino Car Accident Lawyers from Our Firm Can Do to Help Your Case
You might wonder how an attorney can help your case if you sustained injuries in an accident. Fortunately, our firm’s San Bernardino car accident attorneys can add great value to your case. Some of the steps we can take include the following:
- Handle communications with the responsible party on your behalf
- Use our resources and investigative skills to conduct a full investigation of the accident
- Speak to witnesses who saw the accident happen to get their version of events
- Collect and organize evidence to prepare for negotiations with the responsible party
- Determine how much compensation to seek in your case by identifying your damages and calculating their value
- Negotiate with the responsible party in an effort to reach a favorable outcome
We can take these steps on your behalf so you can rest after sustaining injuries. You need time to recover. We can handle all of the legal matters regarding your case, so you can have that time. At Greenberg Gross, we advocate for our clients’ rights to recover compensation. You can rest assured that our attorneys work tirelessly to do as much as possible to help our clients reach favorable outcomes.
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Call (833) 55-FIGHTGet the Compensation You Deserve for Your San Bernardino Car Accident Claim
Car accidents can lead to severe injuries, which can lead to damages. Damages include any monetary and non-monetary losses you sustained because of the accident. Our San Bernardino car accident lawyers can help you develop a case and fight to receive compensation for your damages, which may include any or all of the following:
- Medical expenses you incurred because of your injuries
- The cost of rehabilitative treatments to increase your quality of life by allowing you to have more mobility and less pain
- Emergency medical service costs if you had to ride in an ambulance to the hospital or receive emergency room services
- Future medical treatments you could require
- Diminished earning capacity if you cannot work in the same capacity as you could before sustaining injuries
- Lost wages if you cannot work for any amount of time while recovering from your injuries
- Lost work benefits if you lose your medical care or retirement benefits because you cannot work
- Other costs you incurred because of your injuries, such as housekeeping or babysitting costs, if you had to hire someone to help you around the house during recovery
- Emotional distress or physical pain and suffering if you experience these issues because of your injuries
- Lowered quality of life if you can no longer participate in activities you could before you sustained injuries
Our San Bernardino personal injury attorneys can fight for you to receive compensation for every damage you sustained. We understand how much these issues can impact your life. Therefore, you deserve to receive compensation for the life-changing impacts of a car accident.
Talk To A Trial Lawyer Who Will Seek Justice For You
Contact Us Today »How Long do I Have to File a Car Accident Lawsuit in San Bernardino?
CCP § 335.1 defines a deadline for how long you have to file a lawsuit against the responsible party after a car accident in San Bernardino. Typically, you have two years from the accident date. Once the two years end, you may lose your chances of recovering compensation.
If your loved one passed away in the accident, you also have two years to file a wrongful death lawsuit on their behalf.
Common Causes of San Bernardino Car Accidents
Car accidents in the San Bernardino area happen for various reasons. Common causes include:
- Drunk driving: People who drink and drive can cause danger to anyone around them. The National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that alcohol impacts driving ability by reducing brain function. It can impair thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination. Therefore, drinking and driving could lead an impaired driver to cause an accident.
- Distracted driving: Texting and driving has caused many accidents in recent years. When a driver takes their hands off the wheel or their eyes off the road to send or read a text, they could cause an accident in that short time. Other distractions include eating, tending to children, and changing the radio station.
- Reckless driving: When a driver engages in dangerous behavior, such as speeding or tailgating, they can cause accidents. Other reckless driving behaviors include weaving in and out of traffic and drag racing.
- Poor road conditions: When government municipalities don’t maintain their roads, accidents can happen. Examples of poor road conditions include uneven lanes or deep potholes. If your accident occurs because of poor road conditions, we can help you identify the responsible party.
If someone caused your accident because of any of these or other negligent actions, you could file a claim against them.
Start Working with a San Bernardino Car Accident Lawyer Today
Our personal injury lawyers in San Bernardino can advocate for you to get the compensation you deserve. Our attorneys at Greenberg Gross can provide compassionate legal care and the support you need during this difficult time. We can stand up to the responsible party and demand they pay you for your losses. You deserve support after dealing with the harrowing impacts of a car accident.
Contact us today for a consultation with our legal team. We will explain how we can help and give you information on legal options you could take. Once you start working with our team, we can move your case forward and help you seek the compensation you deserve.
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