After suffering a burn injury, you likely have many questions about who is responsible for your injuries, how you can afford medical treatment, and how you will support your family, both in the short term and for the rest of your life.
If you are facing this situation, know that you could be entitled to compensation from the liable party. Let one of our Long Beach burn injury lawyers handle your case. We can fight for the money you need to take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Getting Burn Injury Compensation in Long Beach
If you live in Long Beach, you must abide by California laws as you seek compensation. These include the statute of limitations, found at CCP § 335.1, which gives most people two years to file a case.
Another law to remember is CIV § 1431.2. This law states that anyone who causes someone else to suffer a personal injury should pay for the damage they inflict. In burn injury cases, such damages may include physical and mental consequences, such as:
- The physical pain and suffering associated with the burns
- The emotional pain and suffering of having lived through a traumatic event and sustained such devastating injuries
- The scars that your burns left behind, especially if they affect a very visible part of your body (e.g., the face and neck) or restrict your ability to use that part
- Disabilities caused or exacerbated by the burns, including debilitating pain or the loss of a sense, like sight or smell
You could also ask the liable party’s insurance company to reimburse you for any additional expenses incurred or money lost due to the injuries, such as:
- The cost of any and all treatments that a qualified doctor deems necessary to help you achieve maximum medical improvement (MMI)
- The income and benefits you normally get from work and that you could not continue to earn during your recovery
- The income and benefits (including raises and bonuses) you expected to receive in the future and that your injuries prevent you from qualifying for
- Any valuable personal property that was damaged or destroyed by the fire, such as a home, a motor vehicle, or electronics
Contact Us For A Free Legal Consultation. No Fee.
Call (833) 55-FIGHTHow to Hire a Burn Injury Lawyer
Many law firms serving Long Beach may be able to supply you with a burn injury lawyer. That does not, however, mean they are all right for you. Greenberg Gross can show we are the right partner for you by:
- Inviting you into our nearest office and giving you the chance to ask us questions about your case, the legal process, how we operate, and anything else you want to know about
- Keeping you updated during your case, explaining what each new development means, and advising you on what you can do about it
- Making ourselves available as often as possible, so you always have someone to turn to with additional questions as your case proceeds
- Providing a professional, “detached” perspective, if your close proximity to the situation means you have trouble making rational decisions
We encourage you to look at our website so you can see for yourself the kind of compassionate, dedicated service that we provide to our clients. As we support you throughout your case, we would also be hard at work fighting for fair compensation by:
- Investigating your case: We can familiarize ourselves with your situation by visiting the scene of the fire, speaking with witnesses, collecting documentary evidence, and even reviewing photos or video of the incident.
- Clarifying key points: For example, we can tell you how much your case is worth and who the liable party is. This way, you have no doubts about what you deserve and who should pay it.
- Pursuing compensation: In some cases, we can get our clients a pretrial settlement. In others, we have to take our clients’ cases to court. We can figure out which path is best in your case and pursue it with everything we have.
- Speaking to other parties: You do not ever have to talk to the liable party, their lawyers, or their insurance company by yourself. Our team would be happy to relay messages between the two sides.
This last point is especially important when it comes to protecting your rights. The insurance company often tries to minimize how much they have to pay out by assigning blame to the victim (in other words, you) or trying to persuade you to accept a fast but small settlement.
At Greenberg Gross, we have dealt with insurance companies before. We can tell you:
- What to watch out for (e.g., if they ask for a recorded statement)
- What to say if the insurer approaches you directly
- What we will say to the insurer on your behalf, and what the insurer’s responses are
Paying for Our Burn Injury Lawyer
We understand that you have already taken a grave financial hit because of your burn injuries. We do not want you to forego legal representation just because of financial worries, so we can:
- Evaluate your case over the phone at no cost, risk, or obligation to you
- Charge no attorneys’ fees until after we have secured compensation for you
- Accept payment for attorneys’ fees out of your compensation, rather than taking money out of your pocket
- Estimate how much your case may cost so you know what to expect
- Discuss our fee structures and expectations with you up front—we are always honest about what our services cost and will never hide fees from you
We are here to serve the Long Beach community in any way we can. If clients ever have concerns about payment or anything else, we encourage them to contact us right away.
Our Burn Injury Lawyers Can Represent You
Want to know more about how Greenberg Gross can serve you? Call today for a free case assessment. A member of our firm can tell you at no charge if your burn injury makes you eligible for compensation. They can also help you schedule a meeting with one of our lawyers who serve Long Beach.
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